Viewing the 'Income' Category
April 10th, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Well, now that I have paid off my credit card, I enjoyed one pay week with a paycheck that didn't include a payment. It's amazing how much money I could be saving, spending, enjoying if I didn't have that debt.
This paycheck will be the first snowball rollover to my student loan. If I can stay on track with this fixed amount, I should have it paid off by May 2020.
In other news, I opened another business. I am now a travel agent! So now I have two businesses and my day job.
Posted in
March 3rd, 2018 at 08:46 pm
Well we were very pleasantly surprised that we are getting over $2k back as a tax refund.
Half of it will go to the CC.
Back in December, I blogged about my payoff goals and that I would have paid CC2 off and Have half of CC1 paid down. If I stay on target, I should have the credit card half way paid down. My aim is that if I can get aggressive and creative enough, I can have this card paid off by Spring 2019.
I have frozen CC2 and the current CC I am paying is essentially cancelled by the bank since they now have a new credit card (a variable one).
Posted in
Credit Cards,
February 24th, 2018 at 05:37 pm
February has turned out to be a great month on our side gig. We have expanded our services since my husband is now doing it full time.
Anyway our anticipated income by month-end (invoiced) = $4,810.
Payments received to date from invoices = $2,770.
Expenses = 1604.
Profit to date: $1,166.
Projected profit for Feb: $3,206.
Posted in
February 21st, 2018 at 12:42 pm
We finally got our raises at work. Mine was $3.85 per hour higher and I am so happy! The raises were effective July 31, 2017 so on this paycheck, they retroactively lumped what they owed in the paycheck so I have a huge chunk. I plan to apply half that lump to my EF so I will be halfway to my annual goal. From what is left, I plan to divide into payment towards my CC debt and also to beef up my sinking funds.
Posted in
January 30th, 2018 at 01:28 pm
We have had a sick household and are finally recovering. Luckily we weren't down for long.
I have not heard back from that lady after I gave her my resume. She told me that it may be a while before her boss was ready to start calling people. Frankly, I'm not holding my breath but it was a good opportunity to make updates.
Actual income from the side biz (not paid yet, just worked completed and invoiced) = $2,285.00. Not bad. DH and I are looking to add more clients.
We are selling furniture and odds n ends that come from these vacant homes. So far, we earned $50 from that and we have a lot more to go through and list. I'm finding that Facebook marketplace is the fastest way to sell (compared with Craigslist and Let Go). For smaller items, we may try eBay. DH and I are amazed at how fast the items we list are selling and we hope this streak continues. We are setting the money aside but we haven't decided how we will use it.
This side income obviously fluctuates each month. If I knew we can count on a base minimum each month I would feel so much better.
Posted in
January 11th, 2018 at 05:41 pm
Here are my numbers based on what we have been assigned so far:
Jan 1 - Jan 10 earnings: $440
Jan 11 - Jan 31 (projected): $2,910
Total Jan 1 - Jan 31 = $3,350
Most are inspections.
One is a door lock change.
And the big number is a bid to tarp a roof and empty out a house and inspections assigned. There are expenses, such as fuel, tarps, wood, nails, and trash bags but those are minor.
Posted in
January 3rd, 2018 at 02:15 pm
Side biz earned $50 for a property inspection and $40 to re-key a door.
Size biz expense $124 for annual background checks.
Total earned today = $90
Total income YTD = $160
Minus expense = $36 profit
2018 Estimated Expenses is $5,000. Once we pass $5k, we will be earning profit.
Posted in
Assets & Liabilities
January 2nd, 2018 at 01:20 pm
Earned $70 from side gig (two property inspections)
Received $60 from my parents (I ordered some meds for them and they paid me back)
Side gig funds go to the business checking account.
The $60 will go to the EF for now.
No spend day yesterday.
I'm still contemplating how to make the credit card balance transfer work (see comments from the previous entry).
In other news... it's freezing in Northeast Florida, so much so that we may even see some snow flurries tomorrow (I know, Northerners are saying "ha, ha, that's cute!)
Stay warm friends!
Posted in
December 14th, 2016 at 05:20 pm
Just got a new client at the beginning of the month and have completed two inspections so far. I haven't invoiced yet but plan to at the end of the week. Nice to have some more $$$ coming in! Blessed!
In other news, I cancelled my personal training because my insurance premium has increased. So I am postponing using up the rest of my sessions for January (after the holiday eating extravaganza). I haven't been tracking my food and I know I am eating way too many goodies.
One of the department stores nearby is closing because they are not renewing their lease at the shopping center. So...everything is reduced drastically and I bought a Queen size comforter set and additional pillow cases. Regular price was $249 for the whole thing. Price I paid was $90 and change. It was a planned buy as in, I have been wanting to buy a new set for a couple of years but the price was way too high for a quality set. Our bed looks beautiful.
Posted in
Healthy Stuff
November 17th, 2016 at 12:57 pm
Ambitious for me. I sat down yesterday and put together our monthly expenses (bare bones expenses). Then I expanded the list to 3-months, 6-months, and 12-months. I decided, that even though I have debt, I need to make a serious effort to save beyond my initial $1,000 for emergencies. My goal is to continue saving to reach these milestones. My husband and I are at the age that layoffs, injury or illness can seriously impact our life. We are truly living paycheck to paycheck. My sidebar is updated with my savings goals. I'm very close to goal #1 and once I reach that milestone, I will put it in a CD. I truly hope we don't ever have a need to touch it.
In other news, inspections for my side biz are picking up from one of my clients. More money!
Posted in
Saving Money,
November 5th, 2016 at 04:40 pm
Breakfast - Coffee and a biscuit
Lunch - Not sure yet
Dinner - BBQ (DH is grilling tonight)
I completed one inspection today so that is $50 for me.
I decided to combine my emergency savings with my healthcare savings. The healthcare savings was really another emergency savings for the days I take leave without pay. The amount in that pot of money was at $190. So as of today I am a tad over $100 away from my $1,000 goal. I transferred $700 to Capital One 360 so it would grow a little bit faster because the interest rate is .75%. My credit union rate is .25%.
Posted in
Saving Money,
Healthy Stuff
October 31st, 2016 at 03:52 pm
Breakfast - The usual.
Lunch - grilled cheese, banana, pear
Dinner - beef stew and rice
Extra food - Halloween candy
Fitness - getting up off the couch several times to open the door to trick-or-treaters.
Well, today is the last day of the month and it is payday for DS1 who does a lot of the inspections. I managed to do three. He did 11 inspections and one shed tear-down and haul (with DS2 as his helper). Needless to say, he had a very good month.
In total, I earned from the side biz $150. He earned $625 and his brother earned $75.
DS1 is in college and has pockets during the day he can do these jobs. The schedule has evening and Saturdays open but most people opt for mid-day during the week.
Posted in
October 20th, 2016 at 12:40 pm
Breakfast - The usual
Lunch - Salmon with cream cheese on toast
Dinner - 2 slices of pizza
Snack(s) - banana and a pear
Fitness - nothing
I was able to add $44 extra to my savings this payday in addition to the $25 that I automatically transfer which put me over $600. I know that I can put in $25 per pay day and I have five paydays left which is $125. That would leave an additional $250 I need to find to reach $1k by December 31st.
I have an to do today inspection today (side hustle). DS1 has been doing nearly all of them so I need to get on the ball.
Tomorrow we depart for Miami (finally)for the weekend. Teacher planning day is tomorrow so I'm taking DS3 along with my parents. DH and DS1 & 2 are staying home.
The reason for the trip is to see my uncle with Alzheimers. My dad is the oldest living sibling and my uncle is the youngest son. I think they are about 8 or 9 years apart. My aunt from NYC is here to sit with my uncle (my mom's brother).
I am renting a car instead of booking the train. Last time it was 8 hours late. Though my mother would rather take the train but I can't stand it. It's boring and it feels eternal. I would have a hard time with delays. Its a 6 hour ride by car and a 9 hour ride by train.
Posted in
Saving Money,
Elder Care
October 19th, 2016 at 05:15 pm
Breakfast - The usual (overnight oats, good belly, orange juice, coffee)
Lunch - can of fruit cocktail, chicken salad sandwich
Dinner - Tater tots.
My mom fed DS3 leftovers from their last night supper after school. DS2 ate a large and late lunch at school. DS3 was still at school come supper time (but he packed a substantial lunch including snacks). DH and I were not particularly hungry. So as a totally dysfunctional and lame attempt at a masquerade of a supper, DH put some tater tots in the oven.
What can I say? Some days are like that.
In other financial news:
We received our checks from our clients from last month.
DS2 received a refund check from the college for a course that he dropped.
Yesterday was a no spend day.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
No Spend Day,
October 11th, 2016 at 12:44 pm
Breakfast ā Overnight oats, Good Belly, Orange Juice, Coffee
Lunch ā Chicken breast sandwich
Dinner ā BBQ Pork Tenderloin and tater tots
Fitness ā Gym and personal trainer
Financial: Several developments came about yesterday.
I received a work order for an inspection from a client that hasn't sent one in a couple of months. That one should pay $25 and luckily it is near my neighborhood. I'll do this after work.
A potential new client is a landlord who needs help cleaning out his rental properties and preparing them for new tenants. We will meet with him at one of his vacant properties which is ready for work to provide him an estimate.
A work order from another client to remove a shed. My husband will decide how much to charge and will likely do the work on Friday or Saturday.
And my son has one inspection tomorrow, three on Friday and one on Saturday. That is a total of $250 that will go in his pocket at the end of the month. We pay him the full amount on any inspection he does.
That should help build up the account very nicely!
In other news, my aunt was supposed to fly in from NYC to help us with my uncle but then came the hurricane. So she is flying in tomorrow. I can't wait to see her! I love that woman because she is like a second mother to me.
Posted in
September 22nd, 2016 at 01:38 pm
Sorry for the long and dreary postā¦ just rambling.
Health (today):
Breakfast: overnight oats, coffee
Lunch: Scrambled egg on a slice of toast,
Dinner: Pork roast w/mashed potatoes left overs
Snack: apple
Extra Food: green tea
Workout: I did walk around the parking lot yesterday while my son was in therapy and later at home I did 10 pushups. Tonight, Lord willing, I will go to the gym and exercise with my personal trainer. I need to make time to exercise now more than ever because I am feeling the stress building.
Finances (yesterday):
NSD for my, but DH had to buy gas and pick up some lettuce at the grocery store for his lunch salad.
My paycheck posted in my account and it is for the full amount. I found a penny and added it to my coin jar.
Received the mortgage statement and for the first time in a good while I really looked at it. My maturity date (last mortgage payment) would be June 1, 2036. Our monthly payment is 797.40. We were paying 805.44 and then escrow estimate went down and reduced the payment. We just continued paying the 805.44 which is an 8.04 difference but every little bit helps. I wish we could do a little more but that is as much as we can do right now. It amounts to about 96.00 additional per year.
My Interesting Life
My uncle fell in his bedroom last night. Seems the walker slipped from under him. My sons and I had to go over and hoist him to his bed. We are looking into getting a wheelchair for him because he feels now that he cannot support himself upright anymore. My dad is frustrated and my mom is stressed. Both are having difficulty dealing with this.
Tomorrow Iām taking annual leave to take my uncle to see his doctor and to see what he says. I will have a list of things to ask regarding home health care, wheelchair, meals on wheels, or anything else. I just canāt think straight. If anyone has suggestions on what to ask his doctor regarding services and assistive items, please comment. I want to be ready and have him set up comfortably and without worry.
I learned yesterday that I cannot apply for FMLA for my uncleās care because it only covers parents, spouse, and children (and of course, myself). I am down to 32 hours of annual leave until my drop comes in April (my hire date anniversary). Needless to say, Iām glad Iām setting aside some cash for when I need to take LWOP ā leave without pay. I see that coming in the near future.
In the meantime, on the passenger side of my car, the little latch on the car door is broken so my husband had to do a temp fix so that I can close the car until he can buy the new part and install it. I put some blue painters tape on the inside and outside handles as a reminder to not use that door. No riding shotgun for any passengers as they will have to go limo style and sit in the back seat.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
Elder Care
September 21st, 2016 at 12:58 pm
Health (today):
Breakfast: overnight oats, apple and coffee
Lunch: Cheese omelet w/tomato and onion on a slice of bread, plain greek yogurt with frozen blueberries
Dinner: Pork roast w/mashed potatoes
Snack: fresh pineapple
Extra Food:
Workout: I had to cancel my workout yesterday because I ended up with one additional inspection. I really need to make the time tonight to at least go to the gym and walk the treadmill for a half hour. I know I would feel better.
Finances (yesterday):
I spent $4.28 at Wendyās for lunch (even though I brought a grilled cheese from home). I didnāt have cash so I used my credit card. Not good.
I should receive my pay stub today so Iāll know what my paycheck is.
I earned $100 yesterday (at the time of the last post I only had 1 scheduled for $50). I rarely touch the money from my side business. We have the typical expenses that involve paying for insurance, business license/tax and other things business oriented. We pay DS1 when he does inspections. But we have earned enough to pay off my car (I had $5k left on my car loan balance), and bought desperately needed living room furniture $2k. We were sitting on flat cushions and getting pinched by the springs.
DH did his side gig yesterday and came home early (10:00 pm). Typically he gets home around 11:30.
I decided to add an additional $10 to my medical leave fund. I estimated that before taxes, I make $147 per day. After taxes and deduction that makes about $80.50 per day. I would like to have a cushion of 3 days since the leave is intermittent. So far I have $110 saved so that is just over a day I have saved.
It is very hard to make my goals with the cut in salary due to an FMLA day.
Iām here at work now and after I get off work, Iāll stop over at my uncleās house to check on him. Then Iāll stop by my parents to check on them and pick up DS3. Then I drive DS2 to his therapy appointment before the rush hour really hits. Maybe while I wait, instead of reading, Iāll just walk around the parking lot for a half hour. I think Iāll do that because after I get back home I know I wonāt feel like dressing out and going to the gym.
Posted in
Saving Money,
Healthy Stuff
September 20th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Health (today):
Breakfast: overnight oats, banana, Good belly, and coffee
Lunch: Grilled cheese, plain greek yogurt with frozen blueberries
Dinner: nothing planned ā probably leftover BBQ
Snack: fresh pineapple
Extra Food: I donāt know yet - hopefully nothing.
Workout: Personal trainer and probably some cardio.
Finances (over the weekend):
Friday: Asian buffet 41.43
Saturday: Grocery shopping ā DH paid and it was nearly $200! I have no idea what I bought but most of it was non-food items that we needed which brings up the price. Haircuts for DS2 and DS3 at Great Clips (they had the weekend sale 7.99) so it was 19.98 including tips.
Sunday: Chinese food (again) 44.36, Gas 33.08, Krystal for a rootbeer float for myself 2.13* (raided the change jar).
Payday from my day job is Friday (but my credit union posts it on Thursday). I hope it is a full paycheck.
Also payment from my side gig is coming in the mail this week for $250.
This afternoon I will earn another $50 from my side biz.
*I was feeling stressed over the weekend. Have you ever felt detached and just going through the motions? That was how I felt over the weekend. I didnāt even track what I ate over the weekend. The weekends have always been hard for me to track since the meal schedule isnāt the same as the weekdays.
Update on my uncle (he is 89): We are looking into a home health nurse for my uncle at his request. He is doing better but still unsteady and a little down. He said he called his doctor yesterday and left a message so that he can order/prescribe or whatever they do so that Medicare would cover the service.
Update on my parents (both are 84): They canāt wait until a home health nurse starts because it has been hard on them to do for my uncle. My mom gets tired easily and my dad has issues with his knees. Mobility is an issue for him as it is now for my uncle.
I see that there are some āgetting to know youā lists out there! I will work on mine later when I have a little more time.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
Personal Finance,
Elder Care
September 16th, 2016 at 09:13 pm
Breakfast: Kodiak cake, ham and eggs, coffee, orange juice
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich on 1 slice of bread
Dinner: Chinese Buffee
Extra food: Rum and coke
Trip cancelled because the train was 5 hours late. It was actually 9 hours late. When I got the first call, my folks and I agreed we should go ahead and cancel. This wasn't a good week anyway and I didn't want to tempt fate.
Superstitious? You tell me...
1. Uncle has a fall and is depending on us.
2. Mom keeps "generic gifts" stored away, and this week she looked throughout the house and couldn't find them.
3. Mom also chips a tooth on Wednesday so she had to see the dentist for repair yesterday.
4. The train is super delayed.
5. Today is full moon (harvest moon), which I don't know if it also means it is more powerful than the ordinary full moon but everyone is on edge (including me).
Suffice it to say, it was not a favorable time for traveling as much more could go wrong. We are planning for October.
In the meantime, I did an inspection that my son was going to do so I earned $50. Yes!
Posted in
September 10th, 2016 at 12:39 pm
Yeseterday health:
Breakfast: Overnight oats and coffee
Lunch: Greek yogurt plain and frozen blueberries
Snack: none
Dinner: Beef stew with rice, plantains, and crackers.
Extra food: chocolate candy (disappointing willpower!)
Broke my plateau!
No spend day
Watched TV
Things to do today:
Side biz - two inspections this morning.
Make reservations for the Amtrak and the hotel for Miami. My dad does not like to plan things too far in advance. He finally gave the ok to do it last night. We leave on next Friday and return Monday.
My mom wants to go shopping for a new blouse. I'm in the market for a new blouse and shoes. We'll go shopping this afternoon.
Some laundry and prepare dinner.
Posted in
No Spend Day,
Healthy Stuff
September 3rd, 2016 at 12:59 pm
Breakfast: Pancakes (Kodiak cakes) and coffee
2nd breakfast: none
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich on 1 slice of bread
Dinner: At my parentās home Garbanzo beans soup, white rice, cuban crackers, peach pie(I try to eat smaller amounts during the day because my mom serves so much food at dinner).
Extra food:a glass of wine
Dinner menu for next week:
Saturday: BBQ chicken (I may take this to the church pot-luck)
Sunday: Spaghetti and sausage w/garlic bread
Monday: Dinner at my parents
Tuesday: Rice w/red beans and cornbread
Wednesday: Crab cakes with potatoes and green beans
Thursday: Chicken tenders w/potato wedges and corn
Friday: Dinner at my parents
Personal income ā Payday (DHās day job)
Personal spending - Amazon.com 126 for replacement of PCB assembly for our stove (thermostat board). The 5.99 credit was applied. The burners are running hot and arenāt turning off. My DH will install.
Business spending ā
1. Renewed our workmanās compensation exemption for DH and myself $102.
2. Paid DS1 for August side gig $585 (he did most of the work this month)
Business income:
1. Received two checks from one of our clients equaling 80.
2. I expect a check any day now from another client for 752.49 (the 2.49 was materials reimbursement) So total for the month of August is 830.00 (Iām not counting the reimbursement).
August Side Biz recap: 830 income - 687 expenses = 143 profit
Fun fact about my DHās side gig: When he does an inspection of a car for a bidder, he sometimes finds some really neat stuff. He usually finds music CDs to add to our collection. Recently he found a top-quality mid-size flashlight (www.maglite.com). Would you call these āsnowflakesā?
For my side gig for today, I had to reschedule due to the weather. I got an assignment from one of the clients that is very easy to do and I will do it tomorrow.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
Unplanned Expenses,
August 30th, 2016 at 04:45 pm
Breakfast: Overnight Oats and coffee
Mid-morning (I might as well call this 2nd breakfast): breakfast burrito
Lunch: Greek salad and apple
Dinner: Taco salad
Extra food: none
Personal training at the gym: 30 min cardio warm up on treadmill and bike and full body workout with personal trainer.
My car is running low on gas. I put in the 20 that my dad gave me on Friday when I took him to the doctor. The fuel lasted nearly five days at just over half a tank. I am also running a low on funds because I paid more on CC1 than usual and that brought my remaining spending money way down. I have no idea what I was thinking so my āno spendingā willpower will need to take over until next payday which isnāt until September 9th.
Anyway, I asked my DH for a loan from his side gig slush money for gas until payday. I needed enough for this week and next week. With the loan I picked up some things at the grocery store: eggs (75 cents per dozen mediums!), bread (BOGO), bananas, and water (we are under tropical storm watch). I put the change in my change jar and updated my sidebar (dresser).
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Food / Groceries,